Monday, November 28, 2005

My Mackinac Treasures

  Posted by PicasaI like to collect gloves. I can spot a glove or a mitten available for my collection faster than a bee can sting. When I find one I carry it proudly home in my mouth. I then have to think for awhile about its proper placement in my yard. I might dig a little here or there until I find just the right spot. Then I quickly dig, slide it in, cover it carefully and lie over the top for a while.

Two of my favorite additions came with a little bit of excitement...

One snowy morning when I was just a pup I was walking with one of my human companions along Market Street downtown. I spotted a little girl human sitting on the back of a snowmobile with some nice big fuzzy mittens. She didn't seem to like them, she was pulling at them so I thought I would help her and myself.

My human companion was talking to someone and I knew that sometimes that meant my leash wasn't being held very tightly. I gave a quick jerk and I was free and running toward the girl. I jumped really fast and grabbed the mitten hanging off her hand and took off. I could hear lots of yelling and the girl crying so I didn't look back. I hurried to my yard and buried the mitten as best I could in the snow. I could add it to the rest of the treasure later. Then I disappeared for awhile. I knew I would be in trouble when I came home again and I was. It was worth it. It is one of my favorites to dig up again. I let it lie underneath my muzzle and think about how much fun I had that day.

I even impressed myself with this one...

Gloves and hats are a necessity for northern humans and I don't know why they lose them but they do. Around here if someone finds something like that on the road they hang it from a nearby tree branch or post so that the owner can spot it and retrieve it.

One day I was strolling down Cupid's Pathway. Because of the laws here I was on a leash. I know this path well and any deviation quickly catches my eye. There was something not quite right with one of the tree branches that were hanging over the road. It was up pretty high, I wasn't sure if it was a bird or squirrel. Then, I don't know if it was a whiff of scent or the breeze stirred it enough for me to see the shape. I sailed into action.

I moved so fast my human companion couldn't keep up and lost hold on the leash. Then I flew into the air, I mean I was airborne! I grabbed that work glove off that high branch and landed smooth as silk. I have to admit I did some strutting and parading after that one. The humans who saw it were excited too. "He must have been five feet in the air!" I heard one of them say. This glove has great memories because I've heard one of my human companions retell the story a few times. And the original owner must have had it for a while because there are still some great scents attached!  Posted by Picasa


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